LASIK eye surgery that is performed in Ratan Jyoti Netralaya, Gwalior is completely safe, precise, and reliable. Dr. Purendra Bhasin has talked about this in detail in the above video. If you haven’t watched it then please watch and you will be assured.
The surgery of Lasik takes 15-20 minutes and your vision is restored.
Fear is one biggest reasons why people don’t get Lasik eye surgery. People think that if their eye is operated then they may lose their vision. But, that’s not true, our advanced technology of Ratan Jyoti Netralaya and experienced surgeon can assure you that you get your vision corrected.
Our surgeons never faced the issue of blindness during their entire journey as a surgeon.
The chances of going blind due to LASIK surgery is one in million. Our expert surgeons never faced the issue of blindness in their entire journey as a surgeon. So don’t worry about it and let Ratan Jyoti Netalaya’s surgeons take over all your pain.